Just plant as soon as you recieve them and you too will have masses of Comfrey in your own garden next year.
Photograph 2 shows our Thatched Cottage Garden on the Borders of Norfolk and Suffolk where our Organic plants are raised.
Photograph 3 shows Grumpy,Albert and Poppy who take care of your Organic plants
Comfrey grows up to 2ft tall with attractive Blue or White flowers.
Called the miracle herb it has masses of uses and no Garden or home should be without it.
The leaves of Comfrey placed in a bucket of water [left for 4 weeks] will make the most amazing plant food.It will smell horrible but your plants will love it.
Put the leaves on your compost heap to rapidly increase the breakdown of Garden foliage
Comfrey leaves wrapped around bruises,burns,cuts,stings,sprains have the most amazing healing powers
.Don't forget and regret.
Posted by Sarah Breen on 27th Mar 2021
I was chuffed to bits when my plants arrived as they were well packaged and in good condition. I was also delighted to find that the white comfrey was sold here as it has been very hard to find in other nurseries. It looks as if they grow some interesting plants and as I am learning to become a herbalist I shall certainly be using them again. Thank you.